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How your skincare routine should change with your age

You and your skin. Together for life. And, just like you aren't quite the same person you were ten years ago, neither is your skin.

As you age and develop different skin concerns, your skincare routine needs to adapt with you.

Young skin

Young skin doesn't need to worry about collagen, elasticity or plumpness. However, those young'uns do need to be aware of hormonal changes potentially causing breakouts. Using a skincare routine tailored for young skin prone to acne is a good way to ensure you're best protected.

It's around 30 that those fine lines start appearing and the skin doesn't look at its most radiant. Make sure the hydrolipidic film (the very top layer) of your skin is in good condition - keeping moisture in, skin hydrated and bacteria out - by twice-daily applying a hydrating cream designed to smooth the signs of premature-aging and protect the skin. As we get older, it's time to up the effort with a specifically anti-aging skincare routine to keep those wrinkles and age spots at bay.

Ageing skin

As we age, the production of collagen in our skin decreases. This leaves our skin looking gradually less firm, and fine lines and wrinkles appear. The skin is also less able to repair itself quickly, and doesn't bounce back after a breakout at 50 like it did when you were 15.

Over time, we also go through different periods in life when our skin can change. From hormones to stress and lifestyle, it's important to stay aware of your skin concerns. If you used to have oily skin concerns but now suffer from dry patches, your former anti-oil skincare routine won't be doing much good anymore. Yearly visits to a dermatologist can help keep track of the condition of your skin as well as any concerns.

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