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La Roche Posay

By Your Side

Worldwide, La Roche-Posay supports oncology initiatives spanning oncology treatment, skin cancer, and childhood cancer awareness.

Commitments By Your Side

Caring For Skin Through Cancer

Our mission is to improve quality of life with skincare solutions suitable for even the most sensitive skin. In 2009, the La Roche-Posay Thermal Centre, Europe’s leading thermal centre for dermatology, opened doors to those recovering from the skin-related side effect of cancer treatment. Worldwide, La Roche-Posay supports oncology initiatives spanning oncology treatment, skin cancer, and childhood cancer awareness.

By Your Side Throughout Cancer

The skin-drying effects that can result from cancer treatment may cause discomfort for those undergoing therapy. For over a decade, La Roche-Posay has been committed to stand By Your Side Throughout Cancer. We run and work with renowned facilities all over the world to provide comfort and care for patients suffering from the skin-related side effects of cancer and we advocate the importance of sun safety and skin cancer prevention.

Our commitment to cancer through the years

Raising Awareness with Childhood Cancer International 

For a child undergoing cancer treatment, the experience can be incredibly scary—they’re often afraid to go through CAT scans; those big, unknown medical terms sound terrifying—and coping is all the more confusing and frightening since they aren’t yet able to express their emotions.

Sadly, children under five account for a staggering 5,000 new cases of cancer a year. Thanks to our latest partnership with Childhood Cancer International, La Roche-Posay is raising awareness and helping these children and families alike in the battle against cancer by teaching valuable coping skills. Using emotion-based activity kits that include a dry-erase board with character stickers representing different feelings, kids are encouraged to express themselves—and parents are better able to foster communication in a language that’s understandable.

Helping children deal with their feelings in a fun way can help optimise treatment and recovery. You can do your part for this very important cause by donating funds to create more emotion-based activity kits.

European Skin Management in Oncology

Created by La Roche-Posay, the ‘ESKIMO’ group of Oncologist & Dermatologists Provide Product Recommendations for Skin during Cancer Therapy

During treatment, cancer patients often want to know how to care for and soothe skin. Many cleansers, moisturisers and makeup are inappropriate for sensitive skin damaged by radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Skin sensitivity can vary according to skin type, treatment or duration.

To help prevent the development of these skin problems, La Roche-Posay brought together a panel of dermatologists and an oncologist, specialised in treating both dermatological problems and cancer, the ESKIMO group (European SKIn Management in Oncology). The group reviewed the latest scientific data on the use of skincare and cosmetic products for patients receiving either chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The ESKIMO group suggested practical recommendations for appropriate skincare products and makeup to be used during cancer therapy.

La Roche-Posay Thermal Water Treatment Center

The Leading Center of Thermal Dermatology in Europe Now Also Specializes in the Needs of Post-Cancer Therapy Patients

The town of La Roche-Posay, in France, is home to Europe’s largest thermal water treatment centre, exclusively dedicated to dermatology. The centre has welcomed over 400,000 patients since 1905. Today, a team led by 8 dermatologists welcomes 7,500 patients every year, 30% of which are children, making La Roche-Posay’s Centre the leading centre of Thermal Dermatology in Europe. The Centre now also specialises in addressing the needs of patients post-cancer therapies.

La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring Water is a unique water, rich in selenium with clinically proven skincare benefits. Its properties and stability are guaranteed by over 500 quality controls every year. With La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring Water as a fundamental ingredient in many products, La Roche-Posay makes the water available to everyone. Read more about La Roche-Posay thermal water here.

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